Sunday, September 27, 2015

I've stopped looking for a Unified Theory (and God) because there isn't one... exactly. Everything exists on fractal self-similar scales, so it's a matter of perception. Trying to describe our Universe is like trying to find the source of the Amazon River. It's going to change as you zoom in or out. It's a vortex, and a bubble, and it's static, and it's expanding, and it's collapsing. Fractals describe all organisms and dynamic systems, but they don't begin or end, they just change. So we can theorize about a simple formula to do everything, but what it will boils down to is that we are part of the system and we have as much power over it as anything else. 

 So to further this hypothesis, I'll describe dark matter as nothing but the empty space of a fractal equation. It's actually the photons that are following a fractal pathway like a winding stream forming a horseshoe lake before it again goes down a waterfall. Uphill in this case is it's origin. Because everything cycles, it is also its eventual destination; which I'll attribute to "spooky" states we are only beginning to zoom in on and measure. So I'll predict that pockets of dark matter will form patterns similar to a winding river, but we will have to look for them in 3D. I'll also predict that quantum entanglement photon experiments, also being fractal will improve like cellphone improved when fractal-shaped antennas were created.