Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Gravitic temperature.

I'm imagining a multidimensional explanation for the relationship between light and gravity. Space-time can be compressed. In many ways it acts like a medium. It appears we are looking at fluid-dynamic vortexes created by the density of space-time as a state of the gravitic temperature. Rotating, orbiting, and wandering objects create ripples in gravity that "heat up" space time. Light bends around dense objects like water around a rock. If space-time is a medium, wouldn't it make sense for that medium to have differing states? Most space would be gaseous. Black holes may be frozen. Planck-time may be plasma. Dark Matter may be the liquid state of space-time. What we call matter is a suspension of remnant solid space-time as particles that decay based on the temperature of the gravity they exist in, kinda like floating ice. Galaxies are like fishbowls where we can see everything pretty well, because the space-time is in a fairly consistent state. Outside galaxies, space-time has cold spots where space-time becomes a little slushy and light has a hard time getting through. The more distant an object is, it will appear to be moving away from us because space-time out there gets more and more cold spots.

The wave-like appearance of light is caused by self-sync behavior of a dynamic force on the static medium of space-time. It's like water going downhill that twists and turns (around pi) or lots of people walking over a poorly stabilized bridge, except it has more dimensions involved and travels in vortexes. What we measure as energy frequencies doesn't change unless the gravitic temperature of the space-time medium changes. The vortex in which energy radiates when polarized (like lasers) demonstrates that the space-time medium it travels through can also be warped by energy. This is evidenced by laser cooling experiments that cause the atom to decay as its suspension medium changes, like carbonated bubbles escaping an open soft-drink.

The speed of light itself will depend on the state of space-time. I predict that future interferometer measurements will detect anomalous energy that seems to come from outside the edge of the Universe. What we'll see is a quasar pulsing through dark-matter (slush-like) space-time between universal mud-holes. We'll possibly find a way to cavitate space-time for near light-speed (or possibly faster) travel.