Sunday, September 27, 2015

I've stopped looking for a Unified Theory (and God) because there isn't one... exactly. Everything exists on fractal self-similar scales, so it's a matter of perception. Trying to describe our Universe is like trying to find the source of the Amazon River. It's going to change as you zoom in or out. It's a vortex, and a bubble, and it's static, and it's expanding, and it's collapsing. Fractals describe all organisms and dynamic systems, but they don't begin or end, they just change. So we can theorize about a simple formula to do everything, but what it will boils down to is that we are part of the system and we have as much power over it as anything else. 

 So to further this hypothesis, I'll describe dark matter as nothing but the empty space of a fractal equation. It's actually the photons that are following a fractal pathway like a winding stream forming a horseshoe lake before it again goes down a waterfall. Uphill in this case is it's origin. Because everything cycles, it is also its eventual destination; which I'll attribute to "spooky" states we are only beginning to zoom in on and measure. So I'll predict that pockets of dark matter will form patterns similar to a winding river, but we will have to look for them in 3D. I'll also predict that quantum entanglement photon experiments, also being fractal will improve like cellphone improved when fractal-shaped antennas were created.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Gravitic temperature.

I'm imagining a multidimensional explanation for the relationship between light and gravity. Space-time can be compressed. In many ways it acts like a medium. It appears we are looking at fluid-dynamic vortexes created by the density of space-time as a state of the gravitic temperature. Rotating, orbiting, and wandering objects create ripples in gravity that "heat up" space time. Light bends around dense objects like water around a rock. If space-time is a medium, wouldn't it make sense for that medium to have differing states? Most space would be gaseous. Black holes may be frozen. Planck-time may be plasma. Dark Matter may be the liquid state of space-time. What we call matter is a suspension of remnant solid space-time as particles that decay based on the temperature of the gravity they exist in, kinda like floating ice. Galaxies are like fishbowls where we can see everything pretty well, because the space-time is in a fairly consistent state. Outside galaxies, space-time has cold spots where space-time becomes a little slushy and light has a hard time getting through. The more distant an object is, it will appear to be moving away from us because space-time out there gets more and more cold spots.

The wave-like appearance of light is caused by self-sync behavior of a dynamic force on the static medium of space-time. It's like water going downhill that twists and turns (around pi) or lots of people walking over a poorly stabilized bridge, except it has more dimensions involved and travels in vortexes. What we measure as energy frequencies doesn't change unless the gravitic temperature of the space-time medium changes. The vortex in which energy radiates when polarized (like lasers) demonstrates that the space-time medium it travels through can also be warped by energy. This is evidenced by laser cooling experiments that cause the atom to decay as its suspension medium changes, like carbonated bubbles escaping an open soft-drink.

The speed of light itself will depend on the state of space-time. I predict that future interferometer measurements will detect anomalous energy that seems to come from outside the edge of the Universe. What we'll see is a quasar pulsing through dark-matter (slush-like) space-time between universal mud-holes. We'll possibly find a way to cavitate space-time for near light-speed (or possibly faster) travel.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Human Spirit

‎The Human Spirit is a property of intelligence that drives it to adapt the environment to the organism. This drive is relatively unique to humans and is progressive in that the drive allows intelligence to grow. This observable phenomena can be measured, predicted, and applied to science.

Adaptation to our environment allowed life to in extreme environments on Earth. No biological trait has been expressed more successfully than human intelligence. This intelligence has allowed our species to turn the tables on biological and natural forces by allowing us to adapt our domain to our needs. The Human Spirit is an individual's commitment to thrive at the edges of the unknown. Unlike common instinctive drives for survival and social behavior, our Human Spirit engages us to take risks based on idealistic values even when chance of success with an endeavor are tenuous. Sometimes an individual overcomes adversity through. Determination and strength of will benefits the individual and mankind in general. The reward for these adventures can be a deeper understanding of the natural world and better ways to adapt it to our needs. As a species, human cultures that adapt nature to their needs thrive more than those which perish in natural calamities. Of course, we now know that control of our environment must be balanced with good environmental stewardship.

Idealistic values that support this commitment may or may not be rational. Exploration or experimentation that is not well planned can lead to catastrophic conclusions. Scientists and philosophers have developed methodologies and protocols for discovery so that it can be followed by posterity. Irrational motivations are usually unsuccessful and discarded. In some cases irrational engagements prove successful. If they are repeatable, they can be observed and studied later. The Human Spirit must include both commitment to methodology as well as the element of chance in pursuit of greater understanding.

There is much to be learned about the nature of intelligence itself, and that makes for even more interesting ways to explore. Going beyond the boundaries of our experience may lead to observation of new relationships of the natural world and the nature of intelligence itself. We may then adapt new ways to thrive within this new understanding.

New discoveries are usually built upon the hard work and tenacity of people with more idealism than knowledge. They may have more determination than wisdom. By passing down their knowledge, the balance in future generations shifts to more knowledge. As this hard work produces more understanding, more adventurous directions can be pursued. Thus the sum knowledge of mankind aggregates exponentially. Without our brain and the willingness to test our abilities to adapt to new environments, we risk suffering the fate of species that do not have intelligence... extinction.

(Re-published from Aug 2008 removed Wikipedia article)

Monday, July 26, 2010

Pure Capitalism with Cashless Capital

Capitalism in the traditional sense is built around the notion that resources are scarce and thus are assign an arbitrary value. This value is measured in money which is itself created as a scarce resource that is controlled by an inefficient administration. This administration is called bureaucracy, government, and banking.

The problem with using money as a measure of capital is that as a scarce resource, it is horded. It is horded because it represents non-specific goods. Precious metals and gems can also be horded because their value is based on the relative scarcity of money. For instance, if you were dying of thirst what would you rather have, gold or water? So the monetary value of goods is completely arbitrary.

I would use "cashless capital" to describe a progressive form of capitalism. "Pure Capitalism" is the same aggregation of resources used for producing useful goods for where they are needed. As efficiency increases, scarcity decreases. Since the value of resources is based on creating usefulness, then abundance increases. This is how pure capitalism, based on cashless capital resists hording, greed, and bureaucratic corruption.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Spirituality is powered by need, steered by perception, and charted by intellect toward the pinnacle of Truth, Love, and Peace.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Spiritual describes a person driven by that which is inspiring. A spiritual person strives for openness to objects or experiences which overwhelm sensuality.

Monday, December 28, 2009


What is sociopathy when most people suffer it? Is a society that kills individuality healthy? Can a "society" be unhealthy? A society is a construct, yet we apply labels to them as if they were accountable. Are social constructs living entities? We made "Corporations" so. Then perhaps our social constructs suffer "anthropathy."